Proceedings of the international conference of law, european studies and international relations - Madalina Dinu

With a vast experience in organizing international scientific events, “Titu Maiorescu” University launched in 2013 a new scientific challenge through the organization of the International Conference on Law, European Studies and International Relations.
The International Conference on Law, European Studies and International Relations aims to bring together academics, researchers, professors, doctoral students, students and, last but not least, law practitioners in order to exchange and share their experiences and research results on the most diverse of issues related to reforming legislation in the spirit of new national, European and international trends regarding the chosen topic of the conference, as well as to discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions that were adopted.
„We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we simply borrow it from our children”. This is an old proverb of world cultural heritage, and this year we set out to focus our common scientific effort on the patent universality of inheritance law and the complex structure of practical rights, obligations and controversial issues that the regulation of national and cross-border successions generate.
Aspects related to the succession debate in the graceful procedure, the resolution of conflicts in law and legal actions in matters of succession, the enforcement of the inheritance, the taxation of the succession, the impact of the successional devolution in terms of intellectual property rights; the effects of parentage and medically assisted reproduction, transfer of goodwill, shares or continuation of the company's business, of insolvency proceedings, the European certificate of succession, successions with foreign elements, the effects of the succession debate on the civil side of the criminal case or the forensic techniques specific to the field, these are just a few facets in the research horizons generated by the theme proposed by the conference, multiple topics from these thematic areas, but also from areas of labor law, transport, constitutional law or public international law will be analyzed in the scientific papers that will be selected- topical issues in research likely to arouse the interest of both legal theorists and practitioners (lawyers, notaries, magistrates, bailiffs, legal advisers). Neither obsolete nor collapsing, but constantly up to date, given that ”death is a natural phenomenon in nature, only people make it frightening” (Marin Preda), successions constantly demonstrate legal vitality, being an area in which we must constantly adapt to social realities, and the diversity of rules of domestic, European and international law applicable in succession and in the estate invite us from behind the scenes of scientific research to explore.
In a world where legal systems are increasingly overlapping, and legal experience is constantly evolving, we want to analyze together doctrinal foundations, to discover appropriate solutions for practice, which scientific research – by bringing together the creative thoughts and energies of this conference – will generate in a perpetual and necessary upgrading in response to diversity.
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