New English Adventure, Teacher's Book, Level Starter B - Susannah Reed

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Imagine a powerful combination of the Disney stories and characters that children know and love with practical activities rooted in solid educational principles.
New English Adventure motivates children through the entertaining characters from the much-loved animated films of Disney/Pixar and provides hours of exposure and practice with English.
Children listen to stories, play classroom games, sing songs, discover links with their studies and the world around them, learn social values while communicating in English.
What is New English Adventure?
- New characters from children’s favourite latest Disney/Pixar films, including Brave, Cars, Frozen and Tangled.
- A faster vocabulary syllabus with up to 15 words introduced in every unit with constant recycling and revisions.
- Complete digital support for teachers with software for Interactive Whiteboards, including interactive games and clips from Disney/Pixar films.
- A completely revised Teacher’s Book with reduced Pupils' Book pages and lesson scenarios containing warm–ups, games and Total Physical Response activities.
- Specially arranged songs to engage children and karaoke versions for school competitions.
- New Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) lessons in every unit so you can teach children about other cultures and the real world while they’re also learning English.
- A new cartoon in every unit with Disney’s much loved characters – Mickey, Minnie and Goofy – with their original voices and a special EFL voice-over version.
- Mickey Mouse appears in all levels, giving children the character continuity to engage them as they progress.
- Twice as many pen-to-paper activities, such as sticking, drawing, cutting-out, tracing and matching, to help you when working with large classes.
- Full-colour Activity Book with every page corresponding to a Pupils' Book page and footnotes that allow parents to monitor homework.
- Additional activities for fast finishers – Extra Adventure at the end of the Activity Book.
Teacher's Book
The Teacher's Book has a very clear layout and contains a lot of excellent extra materials. The first part offers general introduction, which outlines methdology issues related to teaching young learners. The introduction also contains character descriptions and summaries of the plots of Disney and Disney/Pixar movies wich the content of each unit is based on. What is more, it includes the Resource Bank, which provides an extremely helpful collection of extra games and activities as well as ideas for working with posters, DVDs and stories.
The main part of the Teacher's Book contains detailed lesson plans.
The endmatter of the Teacher's Book consists of photocopiable materials: worksheets consolidating the covered material from each main unit, lessons to be carried out during the pre-coursebook period and lessons connected with festivals as well as revision worksheets covering the material from two subsequent units. The section with photocopiable materials also contains worksheets for working with DVDs.
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