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Gramatica Engleza Structurate Logic - G. E. S. L

PRP: 55,50 lei (-10%)
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Preț: 49,95 lei
Diferență: 5,55 lei
Disponibilitate: stoc indisponibil
ISBN: 9786069218501
Anul publicării: 2009
Pagini: 640



Studiul cartii de fata reprezinta modalitatea sigura si practica de a invata limba engleza bine, si chiar foarte bine. Gramatica este scheletul de baza al limbii engleze (de fapt, al oricarei limbi): odata stapanita aceasta structura simpla, fundamentala, aditia de cuvinte si expresii noi dupa aceea o sa devina o sarcina usoara, de rutina. Avantajul net al cartii de fata, comparativ cu altele existente, rezida numai in faptul ca gramatica engleza este prezentata... LOGIC.

Gramatica Engleza Structurata Logic vine in ajutorul dumneavoastra cu:

  • 102 clasificari structurate grafic in diagrame
  • 117 tabele
  • 227 seturi de reguli, exceptii, definitii
  • 385 comentarii si atentionari complexe aditionale
  • 426 seturi de exemple reduse
  • peste 3000 mecanisme gramaticale uzuale explicate
  • multe altele...
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Partea intai: Fonetica
Fonetica engleza

Partea a doua: Morfologia
M1. Substantive
M2. Articole
M3. Adjective
M4. Pronumele
M5. Numerale
M6. Verbe
M7. Adverbe
M8. Prepozitii
M9. Conjunctii
M10. Interjectii

Partea a treia: Sintaxa
S1. Sintaxa propozitiei
S2. Sintaxa fraze
S3. Succesiunea timpurilor verbale
S4. Stilul direct si stilul indirect
S5. Interogatii si negatii

Partea a patra: Punctuatia
Punctuatia engleza
P1. Punctul
P2. Ghilimelele
P3. Virgula
P4. Punct si virgula
P5. Doua puncte
P6. Semnul exclamarii si semnul intrebarii
P7. Liniute de unire
P8. Bara aplecata si punctele de suspensie
P9. Paranteze
P10. Apostroful


Studiul cartii de fata reprezinta modalitatea sigura si practica de a invata limba engleza bine, chiar foarte biine. Gramatica este scheletul de baza al limbii engleze
(de fapt, al oricarei limbi): odata stapanita aceasta structura simpla, fundamentala, aditia de cuvinte si expresii noi dupa aceea o sa devina o sarcina usoara, de rutina.
Avantajul net al cartii de fata, comparativ cu altele existente, rezida numai in faptul ca gramatica engleza este prezentata... LOGIC.

Gramatica Engleza Structurata Logic vine in ajutorul dumneavoastra cu:
• 102 clasificari structurate grafic in diagrame
• 117 tabele
• 227 seturi de reguli, exceptii, definitii
• 385 comentarii si atentionari complexe aditionale
• 426 seturi de exemple traduse
• peste 3000 mecanisme gramaticale uzuale explicate
• multe altele...



I1 Phonetics
I2 Morphology
I3 Syntax
I4 About English Grammar 27


P1. 1 English Sounds
P1. 2 Vowels
P1. 3 Semi-Vowels
P1. 4 Consonants
P1. 5 Diphthongs and Triphthongs
P1. 6 Pronouncing Foreign and Unknown Words


M1. 1 Categories of Nouns
M1. 2 The Number of the Noun
M1. 3 The Gender of the Noun
  M1. 3. 1 The Gender of Common Nouns
  M1. 3. 2 The Gender of Proper Nouns
  M1. 3. 3 Expressing Nouns' Gender Analytically
  M1. 3. 4 Expressing Nouns' Gender using Personifications
M1. 4 The Case of the Noun
  M1. 4. 1 Nominative
  M1. 4. 2 Dative
  M1. 4. 3 Accusative
M1. 5 Genitive
  M1. 5. 1 Synthetic Genitive
  M1. 5. 2 Analytic Genitive
M1. 6 Noun Declension and Syntactic Functions
M1. 7 Forming Nouns and Noun Equivalents
  M1. 7. 1 Forming Nouns Using Derivation
  M1. 7. 2 Forming Nouns and Noun Equivalents Using Composition
  M1. 7. 3 Forming Nouns Using Grammar Category Conversion

M2. 1 Reading Articles
M2. 2 Nouns Taking no Article
M2. 3 Indefinite Article
M2. 4 Definite Article
M2. 5 Implicitly Present or Missing Article

M3. 1 Qualifying Adjectives
  M3. 1. 1 Qualifying Adjectives Working as Attributes
  M3. 1. 2 Qualifying Adjectives Working as Subjective Complements
  M3. 1. 3 Qualifying Adjectives Working as Objective Complements
M3. 2 Determining Adjectives
  M3. 2. 1 Possessive Adjectives
  M3. 2. 2 Demonstrative Adjectives
  M3. 2. 3 Interrogative Adjectives
  M3. 2. 4 Relative Adjectives
  M3. 2. 5 Indefinite Adjectives
M3. 3 Comparing Adjectives
  M3. 3. 1 Qualifying Adjectives: Superiority Comparison
  M3. 3. 2 Qualifying Adjectives: Equality Comparison
  M3. 3. 3 Qualifying Adjectives: Inferiority Comparison
M3. 4 Qualifying Adjectives in Comparative Sentences
M3. 5 Forming Adjectives
  M3. 5. 1 Forming Adjectives Using Derivation
  M3. 5. 2 Forming Adjectives Using Composition
  M3. 5. 3 Forming Adjectives Using Grammar Category Conversion
M3. 6 Particular Adjectives
  M3. 6. 1 Particular Adjectives: "much", "many", "long"
  M3. 6. 2 Particular Adjectives: "little", "small", "few"
  M3. 6. 3 Particular Adjectives: "first", "fore", "former"
  M3. 6. 4 Particular Adjectives: "last", "near", "next"
  M3. 6. 5 Particular Adjectives: "farther", "further"
  M3. 6. 6 Particular Adjectives: "out", "utter"
  M3. 6. 7 Particular Adjectives: "older", "elder"
  M3. 6. 8 Particular Adjectives: "each", "every"
  M3. 6. 9 Particular Adjectives: "all", "one"
  M3. 6. 10 Particular Adjectives: "some", "any", "no", "none"
  M3. 6. 11 Particular Adjectives: "this", "that", "these", "those"

M4. 1 Personal Pronouns
M4. 2 Possessive Pronouns
M4. 3 Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns
M4. 4 Demonstrative Pronouns
  M4. 4. 1 Demonstrative Pronouns: "this", "that", "these", "those"
  M4. 4. 2 Demonstrative Pronouns: "first", "last"
  M4. 4. 3 Demonstrative Pronouns: "former", "later"
  M4. 4. 4 Demonstrative Pronouns: "other", "others"
  M4. 4. 5 Demonstrative Pronouns: "one", "ones"
  M4. 4. 6 Demonstrative Pronouns: "same", "such", "so"
M4. 5 Interrogative Pronouns
M4. 6 Relative Pronouns
  M4. 6. 1 Relative Pronouns: "who", "which", "what"
  M4. 6. 2 Relative Pronouns: "that"
  M4. 6. 3 Relative Pronouns: "as"
  M4. 6. 4 Relative Pronouns: "but"
M4. 7 Reciprocal Pronouns
M4. 8 Indefinite Pronouns
  M4. 8. 1 Indefinite Pronouns: "all", "whole", "one"
  M4. 8. 2 Indefinite Pronouns: "some"
  M4. 8. 3 Indefinite Pronouns: "any"
  M4. 8. 4 Indefinite Pronouns: "none"
  M4. 8. 5 Indefinite Pronouns: "either", "neither"
  M4. 8. 6 Indefinite Pronouns: "other", "others"
  M4. 8. 7 Indefinite Pronouns: "each", "every"
  M4. 8. 8 Indefinite Pronouns: "both", "certain", "several"
  M4. 8. 9 Indefinite Pronouns: Impersonal "you", "he", "it", "we", "they"

M5. 1 Cardinal Numerals
M5. 2 Ordinal Numerals
M5. 3 Fractional Numerals
  M5. 3. 1 Common Fraction
  M5. 3. 2 Decimal Fraction
M5. 4 Collective Numerals
M5. 5 Multiplicative Numerals
M5. 6 Distributive Numerals
M5. 7 Adverbial Numerals
M5. 8 Indefinite Numerals
M5. 9 Working with Numerals
  M5. 9. 1 Types of Numbers
  M5. 9. 2 Addition and Subtraction
  M5. 9. 3 Multiplication, Division, and Exponentiation
  M5. 9. 4 Idiomatic Numeral Expressions
M5. 10 Technical Numerals
M5. 11 Roman Numerals
M5. 12 Symbols of the Latin Alphabet

M6. 1 Categories of Verbs
  M6. 1. 1 Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
  M6. 1. 2 The Aspect of the Verb
  M6. 1. 3 The Voice of the Verb
  M6. 1. 4 The Number of the Verb
  M6. 1. 5 The Person of the Verb
  M6. 1. 6 The Mood of the Verb
  M6. 1. 7 The Tense of the Verb
  M6. 1. 8 Principal, Auxiliary, and Modal Defective Verbs
  M6. 1. 9 Regular and Irregular Verbs
M6. 2 Verb Forms Charts
  M6. 2. 1 Verb Forms Chart: Common Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 2. 2 Verb Forms Chart: Common Aspect, Passive Voice
  M6. 2. 3 Verb Forms Chart: Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 2. 4 Verb Forms Chart: Continuous Aspect, Passive Voice
M6. 3 Personal Moods
  M6. 3. 1 Indicative: Present
    M6. 3. 1. 1 Present Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 1. 2 Present Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 1. 3 Present Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 1. 4 Present Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Passive Voice
  M6. 3. 2 Indicative: Past
    M6. 3. 2. 1 Past Tense Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 2. 2 Past Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 2. 3 Past Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 2. 4 Past Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Passive Voice
  M6. 3. 3 Indicative: Future
    M6. 3. 3. 1 Future Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 3. 2 Future Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 3. 3 Future Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 3. 4 Indicative: Present Perfect
    M6. 3. 4. 1 Present Perfect Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 4. 2 Present Perfect Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 4. 3 Present Perfect Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 3. 5 Indicative: Past Perfect
    M6. 3. 5. 1 Past Perfect Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 5. 2 Past Perfect Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 5. 3 Past Perfect Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 3. 6 Indicative: Future Perfect
    M6. 3. 6. 1 Future Perfect Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 6. 2 Future Perfect Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 6. 3 Future Perfect Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 3. 7 Indicative: Future in the Past
    M6. 3. 7. 1 Future in the Past Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 7. 2 Future in the Past Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 7. 3 Future in the Past Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 3. 8 Indicative: Future Perfect in the Past
    M6. 3. 8. 1 Future Perfect in the Past Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 8. 2 Future Perfect in the Past Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 8. 3 Future Perfect in the Past Indicative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 3. 9 Subjunctive: Present
    M6. 3. 9. 1 Present Subjunctive, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 9. 2 Present Subjunctive, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 9. 3 Present Subjunctive, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 9. 4 Present Subjunctive, Continuous Aspect, Passive Voice
  M6. 3. 10 Subjunctive: Perfect
    M6. 3. 10. 1 Perfect Subjunctive, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 10. 2 Perfect Subjunctive, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 10. 3 Perfect Subjunctive, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 11 Old-Form Subjunctive and Subjunctive Equivalents
  M6. 3. 12 Conditional: Present
    M6. 3. 12. 1 Present Conditional, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 12. 2 Present Conditional, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 12. 3 Present Conditional, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 12. 4 Present Conditional Equivalents
  M6. 3. 13 Conditional: Perfect
    M6. 3. 13. 1 Perfect Conditional, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 13. 2 Perfect Conditional, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 13. 3 Perfect Conditional, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 13. 4 Perfect Conditional Equivalents
  M6. 3. 14 Imperative: Present
    M6. 3. 14. 1 Present Imperative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 3. 14. 2 Present Imperative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 3. 14. 3 Present Imperative, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 3. 15 Common Contractions
M6. 4 Impersonal Moods
  M6. 4. 1 Infinitive: Present
    M6. 4. 1. 1 Present Infinitive, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 4. 1. 2 Present Infinitive, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 4. 1. 3 Present Infinitive, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 4. 2 Infinitive: Perfect
    M6. 4. 2. 1 Perfect Infinitive, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 4. 2. 2 Perfect Infinitive, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 4. 2. 3 Perfect Infinitive, Continuous Aspect, Active Voice
  M6. 4. 3 Participle: Present
    M6. 4. 3. 1 Present Participle, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 4. 3. 2 Present Participle, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 4. 3. 3 The "-ing" Form
  M6. 4. 4 Participle: Past
    M6. 4. 4. 1 Past Participle, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 4. 4. 2 Past Participle, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
  M6. 4. 5 Participle: Perfect
    M6. 4. 5. 1 Perfect Participle, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 4. 5. 2 Perfect Participle, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
  M6. 4. 6 Gerund: Present
    M6. 4. 6. 1 Present Gerund, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 4. 6. 2 Present Gerund, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
    M6. 4. 6. 3 Differentiating Present Gerund and Present Participle
  M6. 4. 7 Gerund: Perfect
    M6. 4. 7. 1 Perfect Gerund, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 4. 7. 2 Perfect Gerund, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
M6. 5 Irregular Verbs
    M6. 5. 1 Irregular Verbs List
    M6. 5. 2 Difficult Verbs
M6. 6 Auxiliary Verbs
  M6. 6. 1 Auxiliary Verbs: "to be"
    M6. 6. 1. 1 Verb Forms Charts: "to be"
    M6. 6. 1. 2 Using "to be"
  M6. 6. 2 Auxiliary Verbs: "to have"
    M6. 6. 2. 1 Verb Forms Charts: "to have"
    M6. 6. 2. 2 Using "to have"
  M6. 6. 3 Auxiliary Verbs: "to do"
  M6. 6. 4 Auxiliary Verbs: "to let"
M6. 7 Modal Defective Verbs
  M6. 7. 1 Modal Defective Verbs: Characteristics
    M6. 7. 1. 1 Modal Defective Verbs: Conjugations
    M6. 7. 1. 2 Modal Defective Verbs: General Characteristics
  M6. 7. 2 Modal Defective Verbs: "shall", "should"
  M6. 7. 3 Modal Defective Verbs: "will", "would"
  M6. 7. 4 Modal Defective Verbs: "can", "could"
  M6. 7. 5 Modal Defective Verbs: "may", "might"
  M6. 7. 6 Modal Defective Verbs: "must", "ought to"
    M6. 7. 6. 1 Modal Defective "must"
    M6. 7. 6. 2 Modal Defective "ought to"
  M6. 7. 7 Other Auxiliaries and Modal Defective Verbs
    M6. 7. 7. 1 Semi-Modal Defective Verbs
    M6. 7. 7. 2 Semi-Auxiliary Verbs
    M6. 7. 7. 3 Near Future Indicative: Arguments Pro and Contra
  M6. 7. 8 Indicative: Near Future
    M6. 7. 8. 1 Near Future Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 7. 8. 2 Near Future Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
  M6. 7. 9 Indicative: Near Future in the Past
    M6. 7. 9. 1 Near Future in the Past Indicative, Common Aspect, Active Voice
    M6. 7. 9. 2 Near Future in the Past Indicative, Common Aspect, Passive Voice
M6. 8 Forming Verbs
  M6. 8. 1 Forming Verbs Using Derivation
  M6. 8. 2 Forming Verbs Using Grammar Category Conversion
  M6. 8. 3 Forming Verbs using "Compounding Verbs" Method
  M6. 8. 4 Forming Complex Verbs
  M6. 8. 5 Forming Verb Equivalents
  M6. 8. 6 Onomatopoeic Verbs

M7. 1 Types of Adverbs
M7. 2 Verbs with Adverbial Particle
  M7. 2. 1 Adverbial Particle
  M7. 2. 2 Verbs with Adverbial Particle
M7. 3 Qualifying Adverbs of Manner
  M7. 3. 1 Adverbs of Manner
  M7. 3. 2 Adverbs of Quality
  M7. 3. 3 Intensifier Adverbs
  M7. 3. 4 Adverbs of Affirmation, Negation, and Probability
  M7. 3. 5 Adverbs of Restriction
  M7. 3. 6 Explanatory Adverbs
  M7. 3. 7 Adverbs of Quantity, Amount, Degree
  M7. 3. 8 Introductory Adverbs
7. 4 Adverbs of Time, Place, Reason, and Pronominal
  M7. 4. 1 Adverbs of Place
  M7. 4. 2 Adverbs of Time
  M7. 4. 3 Adverbs of Cause, Reason, Result
  M7. 4. 4 Pronominal Adverbs
M7. 5 Particular Adverbs
  M7. 5. 1 Adverbs and Predicative Adjectives
  M7. 5. 2 Adverbs Having the Same Form as Adjectives or Nouns
  M7. 5. 3 Adverbs Having Two Forms
  M7. 5. 4 Particular Adverbs: "but", "still", "yet"
  M7. 5. 5 Particular Adverbs: "very", "much"
  M7. 5. 6 Particular Adverbs: "the", "there", "too"
  M7. 5. 7 Particular Adverbs: "hardly... when", "no sooner... than", "just now"
  M7. 5. 8 Particular Adverbs: "ago", "since", "before", "besides"
M7. 6 Comparing Adverbs
M7. 7 Positioning Adverbs
  M7. 7. 1 Positioning Adverbs of Manner
  M7. 7. 2 Positioning Adverbs of Time
  M7. 7. 3 Positioning Adverbs of Place
  M7. 7. 4 Positioning Other Categories of Adverbs
  M7. 7. 5 Split Infinitive
  M7. 7. 6 Positioning Many Adverbs
  M7. 7. 7 Positioning few Particular Adverbs
M7. 8 Forming Adverbs
  M7. 8. 1 Forming Derivate Adverbs
  M7. 8. 2 Forming Compound Adverbs

M8. 1 Comparing Prepositions, Conjunctions, Adverbs
M8. 2 Types of Prepositions
  M8. 2. 1 Types of Prepositions
  M8. 2. 2 Placing Prepositions
M8. 3 Verbs with Preposition
M8. 4 Verbs with Adverbial Particle and Preposition
M8. 5 Using Prepositions

M9. 1 Types of Conjunctions
M9. 2 Sentence Elements Working as Conjunction Equivalents
M9. 3 Particular Conjunctions: "like", "as", "till", "that", "if", "whether"



S1. 1 Types of Sentences
S1. 2 Subject
S1. 3 Predicate
  S1. 3. 1 Verbal Predicate
  S1. 3. 2 Nominal Predicate: Copula
  S1. 3. 3 Nominal Predicate: Predicative Complement
  S1. 3. 4 Nominal Predicate: Appositive Predicate
  S1. 3. 5 Complete Predicate: Predicate of Result
S1. 4 Subject-Predicate Agreement
  S1. 4. 1 Subjects Taking Predicates in Either Singular or Plural Form
  S1. 4. 2 Plural Subjects Taking Predicates in Singular Form
  S1. 4. 3 Singular Subjects Taking Predicates in Plural Form
  S1. 4. 4 Compound Subject-Predicate Agreement
S1. 5 Attribute
  S1. 5. 1 Using Attributes
  S1. 5. 2 Positioning Attributes
  S1. 5. 3 Apposition
S1. 6 Direct Object
  S1. 6. 1 Direct Object
  S1. 6. 2 The Cognate Object
  S1. 6. 3 Verbs with Two Direct Objects
S1. 7 Indirect Object
  S1. 7. 1 Indirect Object
  S1. 7. 2 Indirect Object Without Preposition
  S1. 7. 3 Indirect Object With Preposition
  S1. 7. 4 Predicates Taking both Direct and Indirect Objects
  S1. 7. 5 Retained Object
S1. 8 Prepositional Object
  S1. 8. 1 Prepositional Object
  S1. 8. 2 Comparison: Prepositional Object versus Prepositional Adverbial
  S1. 8. 3 Identical Prepositional Object and Prepositional Adverbial
  S1. 8. 4 Using Prepositional Object
  S1. 8. 5 Complex Object
S1. 9 Adverbials
  S1. 9. 1 Adverbial of Manner
  S1. 9. 2 Adverbial of Definite and Indefinite Time
  S1. 9. 3 Adverbial of Place and Momentum
  S1. 9. 4 Adverbial of Cause
  S1. 9. 5 Adverbial of Purpose
  S1. 9. 6 Adverbial of Condition or Supposition
  S1. 9. 7 Adverbial of Concession
  S1. 9. 8 Compound Adverbial
S1. 10 Structuring Sentences
  S1. 10. 1 General Sentence Structure
  S1. 10. 2 Accentuation
  S1. 10. 3 Resonance and Rhythm
  S1. 10. 4 Natural Declarative Sentence Structure
  S1. 10. 5 Natural Interrogative Sentence Structure
  S1. 10. 6 Subject-Predicate Order
  S1. 10. 7 The Order of Multiple Noun Qualifiers

S2. 1 Analogy to Morphology
  S2. 1. 1 Noun Subordinate Clauses
  S2. 1. 2 Adjective Subordinate Clause
  S2. 1. 3 Adverb Subordinate Clauses
    S2. 1. 3. 1 Adverbial of Manner and Comparison Clause
    S2. 1. 3. 2 Adverbial of Time Clause
    S2. 1. 3. 3 Adverbial of Place Clause
    S2. 1. 3. 4 Adverbial of Cause Clause
    S2. 1. 3. 5 Adverbial of Purpose Clause
    S2. 1. 3. 6 Adverbial of Result or Consecutive Clause
    S2. 1. 3. 7 Adverbial of Concession Clause
    S2. 1. 3. 8 Relative Clauses
    S2. 1. 3. 9 Adverbial of Condition Clause
S2. 2 Conditional Complex Sentence
  S2. 2. 1 Conditional Clause: Real Action Verbs
  S2. 2. 2 Conditional Clause: Unreal Action Verbs
  S2. 2. 3 Tenses in Conditional Complex Sentence: Unreal Action Verbs
  S2. 2. 4 Reduced Conditional Complex Sentence
  S2. 2. 5 Reversing the order in Conditional Complex Sentence
  S2. 2. 6 Extended Complex Sentences
S2. 3 Analogy to Sentence Syntax
  S2. 3. 1 Subjective Clause
  S2. 3. 2 Predicative Clause
  S2. 3. 3 Attributive Clause
  S2. 3. 4 Object Clause
  S2. 3. 5 Prepositional Clause
  S2. 3. 6 Adverbial Clause
S2. 4 Complex Sentence Syntax Analysis
  S2. 4. 1 Complex Sentence Syntax Analysis
  S2. 4. 2 Double/Compound Sentence Syntax Analysis
  S2. 4. 3 Multiple Sentence Syntax Analysis

S3. 1 The Sequence of Tenses: Rules
S3. 2 Exceptions to Rule 3
S3. 3 Additional Exceptions to the Sequence of Tenses Rules

S4. 1 Transforming Direct Style to Indirect Style: General Rules
S4. 2 Interrogative, Emphatic, and Imperative Sentences in Indirect Style
  S4. 2. 1 Transforming Interrogative Sentences to Indirect Style
  S4. 2. 2 Transforming Emphatic Sentences to Indirect Style
  S4. 2. 3 Transforming Imperative Sentences to Indirect Style

S5. 1 Interrogations
  S5. 1. 1 Interrogations with "to be"
  S5. 1. 2 Interrogations with "to have"
  S5. 1. 3 Interrogations with Modal Defective Verbs
  S5. 1. 4 Interrogations with "All Other Verbs" Group
  S5. 1. 5 Confirmative Question
  S5. 1. 6 Rhetorical Question
S5. 2 Negations
  S5. 2. 1 Negations with "to be"
  S5. 2. 2 Negations with "to have"
  S5. 2. 3 Negations with Modal Defective Verbs
  S5. 2. 4 Negations with "All Other Verbs" Group
  S5. 2. 5 Negative Interrogations
  S5. 2. 6 Double Negations
S5. 3 "Some", "Any", "No" in Affirmations, Interrogations, Negations
S5. 4 Using Short Answer

S6. 1 Period
S6. 2 Quotes
S6. 3 Comma
  S6. 3. 1 Using Comma in Complex Sentences
  S6. 3. 2 Marking Subordinate Clauses
  S6. 3. 3 Isolating Appositions and Nominative of Address
  S6. 3. 4 Separating Multiple Adjectives
  S6. 3. 5 Using Comma in Series
  S6. 3. 6 Using Comma in Vertical Lists
  S6. 3. 7 Using Comma in Interjections and Elliptic Constructions
  S6. 3. 8 Using Comma to introduce Direct Style
  S6. 3. 9 Using Comma to avoid Ambiguity
  S6. 3. 10 Main Mistakes in Comma Use
S6. 4 Semicolon
S6. 5 Colon
S6. 6 Exclamation Point and Question Mark
  S6. 6. 1 Using Exclamation Point
  S6. 6. 2 Using Question Mark
S6. 7 Hyphen and Dashes
  S6. 7. 1 Using the Hyphen
  S6. 7. 2 Using the "en" Dash
  S6. 7. 3 Using the "em" Dash
S6. 8 Solidus and Points of Ellipsis
  S6. 8. 1 Using Solidus
  S6. 8. 2 Using Points of Ellipsis
S6. 9 Brackets and Parentheses
  S6. 9. 1 Using Angle Brackets
  S6. 9. 2 Using Braces
  S6. 9. 3 Using Square Brackets
  S6. 9. 4 Parentheses
S6. 10 Apostrophe
  S6. 10. 1 Using Apostrophe in Synthetic Genitives
  S6. 10. 2 Forming Custom Plural Nouns Using Apostrophe
  S6. 10. 3 Forming Custom Adjectives
  S6. 10. 4 Marking Omissions

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