Elegia anotimpurilor in orasul fara cupole. Poeme. Elegy of the Seasons in the City without Domes. Poems - Claudia Manta
Melancolia patrunde totul in aceasta minunata selectie de poezie scrisa cu o voce lirica cristalina, cu gust pentru frumusetea urbana.
Toronto, Canada este orasul iubirii si admiratiei poetei.
Natura, in toata splendoarea celor patru anotimpuri, este perceputa prin viziunea panoramica a cladirilor, multimilor si vehiculelor ca un datator de viata si ca un ecou al tristetii dulci a poetei sau al dorului si meditatiei profund miscatoare.
Melancholy pervades all in this wonderful poetry selection written in a crystalline lyrical voice with a taste for urban beauty.
Toronto, Canada is the city of the poet’s love and admiration.
Nature, in all its four seasons’ splendor, is perceived through the panoramic vision of buildings, crowds, and vehicles as a life giver and as an echo of the poet’s sweet sadness or deeply moving longing and meditation.
Claudia Manta:
Nascuta in Bucuresti in anul 1969, Claudia este licentiata in Drept si, dupa practicarea avocaturii in Baroul Bucuresti, emigreaza in Canada in 1996. Dupa o perioada de adaptare in tara adoptiva, Claudia are sansa sa lucreze cu un reputat avocat – Gerald Sternberg – intr-o casa memoriala monument istoric, in metropola Toronto. Anii petrecuti in biroul de avocatura, frumusetea si ineditul orasului au fost sursa de inspiratie pentru multe dintre poemele create. Mama a doi baieti extraordinari, si-a dedicat viata familiei si sotului pe care l-a urmat in Canada, desi sufletul ei a ramas intodeauna liric si romanesc. Literatura romana si dorul de tara nu au parasit-o niciodata.
Born in Bucharest in 1969, Claudia obtained her Law degree and, after practicing law in the Bucharest Bar, she immigrated to Canada in 1996. After a period of adaptation in the adopted country, Claudia had the chance to work with a prominent lawyer—Gerald Sternberg—in a bohemian memorial house and historical monument in Downtown Toronto. The years spent in the law office, the beauty and uniqueness of the city were the source of inspiration for many of her poems. The mother of two extraordinary boys, she dedicated her life to her family and her husband who she followed to Canada, although her soul has always remained lyrical and Romanian. Romanian literature and her longing for her native country have never left her.
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